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In pursuit of finding reason in madness and madness in reason 🎭 Web Content Provider @sathiyamnews Views & opinions are personal

Jun 2, 2020, 6 tweets

Often the villains we throw stones at turn out be victims of misunderstanding/character assassination unintentionally at times but mostly stuck irrevocably in a power system of injustice. People who view it from outside obviously become victims of ignorance not knowing the truth.

And also the basic societal mindset of how easy it's to believe that a woman would've done something horrible but how difficult it gets to prove that something horrible has happened to that woman is shown with ultimate clarity. Casting couldn't be more appropriate as everyone

from Jyotika to Akshara Kishore did much justice to their roles. Imo Jyotika has really took her acting to the right, required level which never once appeared over the top. Akshara, from playing the innocent kid to expressing traumatic situations has given an amazing performance.

Parthiban's sharp sarcasm, the usual stubborn proud character added intensity on most places and humour in some areas. Subbu, as usual pulled off the deceptive cop with ease. The director @fredrickjj deserves a special appreciation because he told a story much needed in our time

without lacking art, content & message. I couldn't find the evasiveness of a man in this story & that could only mean he has done a lot of homework regarding the psychological, physical & emotional sufferings of women which was very well reflected. He maintained the story's grip

by saving twists till end. Dialogues were profound & this is one such movie which tells everything that you want to tell the society. The attitude of empathy was insisted a lot which is required in today's material world. Must watch movie👌.

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