Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere Profile picture
Photojournalist in Chicago. Staff Visual Journalist with @Suntimes send tips and hate at tlariviere@suntimes.com

Jun 2, 2020, 19 tweets

Over 100 people have gathered at 26th Street and MLK Dr. for a peaceful faith march. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Police presence is pretty light and not intense and there's a lot of young adults, families and older folk here. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Volunteers are handing out face masks for those that need them. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

People are now marching South on MLK they are planning to go towards 31st Street. The amount of people has swollen to 500+. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Folks are continuing marching South on MLK more and more people keep joining the march. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Police Supt. David Brown is here at this peaceful faith march on MLK Dr. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Protesters are continuing to march Southbound on MLK Dr. Past 31st Street. The MC of this march keeps encouraging social distancing. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Rev. Jesse Jackson has joined the faith march on MLK Dr. #Chicago #Gepr

Marchers have gotten to 35th and MLK Dr. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

More and more people join this march from the neighnorhood. They've now taken both Northbound and Southbound lanes of MLK Drive they are now marching south of 35th. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

The March has stopped at 38th and MLK Drive next to a Mariano's that was looted recently, folks are chanting for Marianos to come back, clean up, restock the shelves or get the hell out of the community. #Chicago #GerorgeFloyd

Folks have marched to 41st and MLK Drive and have paused they are raising their hands up to a senior building while a faith leader prays. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle along with the 3rd and 4th wards alderman are also in attendance of this faith march. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

The march has resumed down MLK Drive passing 45th Place. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Still walking down MLK Drive the MC of the march said "Welcome to this year's Bud Billiken Parade" marchers cheered in approval. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Marchers continue to march to their destination at Washington Park the amount of people here has swollen to well over 1000. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

The protest had ended with a rally at Washington Park and everyones dispersing peacefully ahead of the 9:00 P.M. Curfew in #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

Groups of people are walking to their cars, ride shares or homes after a faith march that marched through the Bronzeville neighborhood this afternoon. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

PHOTOS: Thousands march peacefully through the Bronzeville neighborhood demanding justice for George Floyd. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

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