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I talk for a living 🎙 | Home News Correspondent for @SkyNews | 📧 Email rachael.venables@sky.uk.

Jun 6, 2020, 8 tweets

Warnings from the Health Secretary and Met Police Commissioner for people NOT to protest today - haven’t worked. Thousands already here at the Black Lives Matter protest in Parliament Square. #BLMLDN @LBC

This group are handing out free PPE to protesters arriving at Parliament Square (hand sanitiser, gloves and masks). But as you can see, all social distancing has gone out of the window @LBC

“BLM” has now been spray painted on the side of the foreign office @LBC

Had to run up Whitehall to see what all the noise was about. A group of motorcyclists have turned up to support the protesters, blare their horns and rev their engines #BLMLDN @LBC

Everyone just took the knee here between Parliament Square and Downing Street. #BlackLivesMatter @LBC

Police officers are keeping a tight watch around the statue of Winston Churchill on Parliament Square after it was graffitied. @LBC

The crowd outside Downing Street just all sat down, shouting “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” at the police @LBC

Cheers as a smoke bomb is set off outside Downing Street and someone throws a bottle at the line of police. @LBC

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