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yadox.eth yadox.sol $BTC & $alts FA,TA,& Onchain @FearlessDAO #wassie

Jun 6, 2020, 13 tweets


best ex: $zil

$zil pumped yesterday, today $storm, $poly, $ast are pumping

Good day for this setup 🍻

$aion $aionbtc

$ast $astbtc

$lrc $lrcbtc

$lsk $lskbtc

$omg $omgbtc

$lsk $lskbtc

idk fam, but a falling wedge breakout after retesting the accumulation range

what more do you want

$ast $astbtc
still looks dope and want to RIP upside soon imo

$ast RIPed soon \o\ \o/ /o/

Chill $ast wtf

$lsk $lskbtc

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