Matthew Thompson Profile picture
Political Correspondent @SkyNews. Ex @LBC, @BBCNewsnight. Norn Irish, girl dad, linguist. Email: DMs open

Jun 6, 2020, 8 tweets

Still tense here outside Downing Street as punches are thrown at police and they try and force the crowd back down Whitehall.

Now it’s just become a stand off as the protestors won’t budge.


Now decending close to a full blown riot here on Whitehall as police in full riot gear attempt to kettle the protestors, and violent scuffles break out all over the street.


Prayers in the midst of a protest that is losing control.

Extraordinary contrast.

#BlackLivesMatter #BLMLondon


It’s calmer now as police have formed a cordon right around the protestors on Whitehall.

There are still sporadic outbreaks of violence, in spite of chants of “no violence” from many in the crowd.

A lot of people here now just cold and want to go home.


We’ve now been cordoned here on Whitehall by police for around 2 hours. The cordon is slowly tightening around us, shrinking every few minutes.

Atmosphere much calmer. But I do question the wisdom of squeezing us ever tighter together making it harder to socially distance...

Crowd is getting restless. Chants of “let us go”. And one man in particular is repeatedly charging at the police lines, creating a potential flash point each time.


One officer tells me part of the delay in letting people leave is that they may all have to give their details under so-called Section 50 powers.

Those say anyone suspected of anti-social behaviour has to give their details to police. Certainly some here in that category...

As the crowd dwindles behind the police line at the Cenotaph, that’s me signing off for the night.

The protestors will be back tomorrow, the police will be back tomorrow, and therefore I’ll be back tomorrow.

Catch it all on @LBC from 2pm.

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