Cosmic Compass (CoCo) Profile picture
Cosmic Compass let's you navigate blockchains with ease - via APIs for developers, GUI for investors & network tooling for StaaS/digital funds and dApps - #CoCo

Jun 8, 2020, 7 tweets

Hey, this is a tweet to connect my twitter handle to my @FreeFlixMedia account to try out Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC) as part of @cosmos #GameOfZones. Experience #IBC here -

Visiting - asks for a pin to create an account. Don't forget this.

After receiving 1000 FFMT automatically, used the above Tweet URL to connect our account to an account on the @FreeFlixMedia chain

The above tweet is now a Tweet NFT - ffmttweetnft427

This video is automatically created as well!

Creating another NFT with a license fee & revenue share - - ffmttweetnft428 (can be seen in the CoCo Marketplace as well)

A video is generated. Click 'View Asset' to watch the video.

An Ad NFT is created in 'Brands' page by clicking 'Create Ad NFT'.

You can go the Live Stream on the COCO Network and schedule your asset to play as well.

Here, @CosmicCompassIO has already scheduled slots within the Live Stream.

Your profile pic has to appear and a single option of only booking an Ad has to exist after booking.

In the same slot, a user can schedule his own overlay Ad NFT, similar to how a Tweet NFT was scheduled.

After successfully scheduling, the entire reservation status can be viewed by clicking on the slot.

Finally, you can view the entire status of the Live Stream and see your Tweet NFT / video, play on the live stream running on YouTube:…

Both the assets that we created just a while back are streamed on YouTube - incl. the first tweet of this thread!

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