Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 Profile picture
@AFP HK correspondent / reach via / Tweets are my own / RT not endorsement

Jun 9, 2020, 19 tweets

It was just 6.30pm and at least one man had been arrested in Chater Garden, where netizens called on people to gathering after work and march on Chater Rd and Queen's Rd C. to remark the anniversary of #HKProtests.

Cordon line is set up in Chater Park, in which a woman in black outfit is under search. Police media liaison team asked reporters to wear press badge and put on hi-vis vests so the force could differentiate them from others.

6.35pm, blue flag warning of unlawful assembly is up in Chater Garden.

A member of the police media liaison team asked a man in black to leave his spot because "you are not a reporter" "you are obstructing other reporters" and "i don't know what you are doing here".

Police left with their cordon tape, for now.

A round of flashlights on cameras as police are conducting stop and search of a long row of young people in the corridor of the Court of Final Appeal, under the feet of Goddess of Justice.

Despite heavy police presence and aggressive shouting of warnings, stop and search... Chater Garden rally goers turn on their phone torch to make lights as night falls.

Chater Garden rally goers begin to march on pedestrian of Queen's Road Central.

7.05pm, blue warning flag up in Statue Square

Torch holding crowd has taken to the driving lanes of Queen's Road Central.

"Fight till the last breath!" "Hong Kong independence the only way out!" they chanted.
Also "One Hong Kong, One Nation!"

Riot police guarding on Queen's Road Central off Cochrane St. Crowd turned right to Des Voeux Road Central.

Riot police are also guarding on Des Voeux Rd Central off Queen Victoria St - outside Hang Seng Bank headquarters - preventing march goers from occupying the driving lanes or heading further west towards the Liaison Office.

A stream of torch lights is flowing westward from Central to Sheung Wan on Des Voeux Rd Central, where riot police and their vans have been trying to dam the moving crowd.

Riot police charged at crowd at around 7.30pm and chased them along Des Voeux Rd Central when both sides were about 50m apart and the frontliners formed an umbrella corps.

At least one person was pinned down during riot police chase of march goers.

Blue flag the 3rd time in about one hour, now on Des Voeux Rd Central from Admiralty to Central.

The lights are up again on Des Voeux Road.

It's right for Zhang Xiaoming to coin the crux of Hong Kong problem as the question "what kind of a Hong Kong we would like to build". But the answers from the protesting Hong Kong people - proven majority in district council election - and Beijing are so gravely diverged.

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