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UK in a Changing Europe is an academic think tank providing impartial, research-based analysis of the critical issues facing the UK.

Jun 11, 2020, 7 tweets

⏰⏰ It's that time of week's #ThursdayThread time.⏰⏰

This week we released a new report, The Brexit Negotiations: A Stocktake.

Read and watch below for the key points ⬇️⬇️⬇️


At the moment the main problem is not about time, but about mutually incompatible objectives on governance, state aid and fisheries. Unless positions change substantially, a deal is unlikely.

Can we, & will we, see an extension of the transition period beyond the end of 2020?

@CSBarnard24 sets out the legal reality: every route to extension after June is legally problematic. If we don’t ask by June, it will be difficult to get extra time.

How would leaving with no deal at the end of the year impact the economy?

@jdportes explains the potential impact on the economy.

What specific tariff will we be likely to see?

Our report sets out what the UK’s global tariff schedule tells us about specific sectoral-level impacts.

How will a no deal interact with Covid-19? Does it make leaving without a deal riskier?

As @jdportes sets out, the economic uncertainties are too large to say for sure – though Covid-19 is likely to make the practical realities more difficult.

READ more in our new #BrexitStocktake report here 🔻🔻🔻…

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