Josie Huang Profile picture
Reporter for @KPCC + @LAist

Jun 13, 2020, 7 tweets

In Palmdale, rally getting underway for #JUSTICEFORROBERTFULLER. Possible suicide explanation from @LASDHQ isn’t satisfying protesters.

Says Laurielle Stewart “if you can suggest suicide, I can suggest a lynching.”

Robert Fuller’s family has arrived

“Say his name..Robert Fuller!
Say his name.. Robert Fuller!’

Calls for calm and peaceful protests

Diamond Alexander is Robert Fuller’s middle sister. She says that he “was a good little brother to us. Everything that they’ve been telling us has not been brother was not suicidal.” At #JUSTICEFORROBERTFULLER rally.

Several hundred preparing to march from park where Robert Fuller’s body was found to Palmdale Sheriff’s station

March for Robert Fuller In Palmdale now spanning blocks

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