Josie Huang Profile picture
Reporter for @KPCC + @LAist

Jun 13, 2020, 13 tweets

#JUSTICEFORROBERTFULLER rally has arrived at Palmdale sheriff’s station.

Moment of silence for Robert Fuller outside sheriff’s station in Palmdale.

Hundreds take a knee for Robert Fuller outside Palmdale Sheriff’s station

Demanding sheriff deputies coming out to give answers about Robert Fuller, demands for an independent investigation

Sheriff deputies stand sentinel on other side of doors at Palmdale station

“Brown and Proud” starts robust Black Lives Matter chant outside Palmdale sheriff’s station.

Told by this man who id’s himself as a community leader that watch commander of Palmdale sheriff’s department is coming out to address protesters

Half hour after protesters arrived, no appearance by watch commander and deputies still stand behind doors in helmets

Community liaison comes out asking for crowd to move back 20-30 feet b4 watch commander will come out. Protesters asks why do we keep moving back our line?

A little before 12:30 pm, Lt Ballentine of the Palmdale sheriff’s station came out to address protesters. He said Robert Fuller’s case is being handled by the homicide bureau which deals with suicide and murders

Asked whether he would support an independent investigation of the Robert Fuller case by the state, Lt Ballentine said he had no prob with that. “We’re transparent.”

Najee Ali, the protester who asked Lt. Ballentine the Q about a state investigation, went up after Ballentine’s short remarks and shook his hand

Crowds dispersed shortly after the lieutenant spoke. Palmdale Sheriff’s station totally quiet now

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