Yaneer Bar-Yam Profile picture
Complex Systems Physicist | President of @NECSI | coFounder @TheWHN https://t.co/YWAkRJ2QWr

Jun 15, 2020, 8 tweets

BREAKING: Coronavirus Outbreak

US yesterday 19,532. AL, SC new highs. SC 5 days in a row.

Canada yesterday 361, lowest since end of March.

Middle East focus today:

Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, doing better, consistent decline after peak.

Lebanon fluctuating below 20.

Jordan overall at a low level, like Lebanon, but having a few cluster outbreaks.

Yemen also flutuating at a low level. Data reporting may be an issue.

Bahrain, Oman, Iraq cases increasing, really need to take more action.

Turkey, after rapid increase, and rapid decrease, now showing new increase. Not clear why.

Iran on terrible trends up and down and on and on. Need to get to zero.

Saudi Arabia epicenter in Riyadh. Top 150 communities shown in the fire plot attached. Relative fire plot (selected communities labeled) shows some locations are getting better, others worse.

Green zone (oasis) strategy in the desert would be super helpful to #get2zero.

Overall, Middle East 4 week progress plot attached shows more consistency in strong actions is needed to #get2zero.

Ending on a positive note, here is Uruguay

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