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Data nerd 👨🏻‍💻• econometrist • graphs in R

Jun 20, 2020, 11 tweets

Update 20 June (thread)

76 new confirmed cases (total: 49.502)
8 new fatalities (total: 6.089)
0 new hospitalisations (total: 11.846)

The map shows cases, hospitalisations and fatalities in nominal, per capita and growth figures.
#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

The total number of hospitalisations, cases and fatalities due to #COVID19 per Dutch province.

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #coronavirusNederland

3 municipalities report one new hospitalisation due to #COVID19, compared to yesterday.

3 new hospitalisations are located and 2 hospitalisations are removed.

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #CoronaCrisis

46 municipalities report at least one new cases of #COVID19, compared to yesterday.

90 new cases are located and 8 cases are removed.

The biggest increase is in Rotterdam (+12) and 's-Gravenhage and Amsterdam (both +8).

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #CoronaCrisis

8 municipalities report one new fatality due to #COVID19, compared to yesterday.

8 new fatalities are located and 0 fatalities are removed.

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #CoronaCrisis

Municipalities with most cases, hospitalisations and fatalities, both nominal as well as per 10,000 inhabitants.

#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

Voorst has the highest growth rate of confirmed cases today, measured as the difference in percentage.

Graphs for other municipalities available on request!
#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

Unfortunately, 8 new fatalities are reported. There might be some delay in these reports. Growth rates are rounded to the nearest tenth.

The youngest deceased (out of all deceased) is between 15 and 19.

#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

Absolute new cases of #COVID19 per Dutch province:

Friesland (-1)
Flevoland, Groningen (+0)
Drenthe, Zeeland (+1)
Limburg (+3)
Noord-Brabant, Overijssel (+4)
Gelderland, Noord-Holland, Utrecht (+10)
Zuid-Holland (+34)


Cases of #COVID19 per Dutch province per 100,000 inhabitants over time:


New reported COVID-19 cases per Dutch province over time. The graph shows the absolute number of newly reported cases, as provided in the daily report of the RIVM.

#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

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