Christian Bokhove Profile picture
Professor in Mathematics Education, Director of Research SEdS at UoS, @MASEsoton, TIMSS+PISA, Research Methods, R, School Mathematics Project 2.0

Jun 21, 2020, 15 tweets

OK OK it actually is quite nice to wander around a virtual campus. Graphics could be better but I guess it then wouldn't run on my laptop. #iLRN

I could hide *within* a tree #iLRN

My #GTA5 experience tells me I want to use this speedboat. #iLRN

Opening at 3pm today. Timezones are quite a challenge.

Main hall at #iLRN

What I find amazing, though, is that time has seemed to stood still. I remember using ActiveWorlds about 20 years ago…

Had students who built the school (or that might have been the Far Cry map editor or another game). #iLRN

I think this poses an important question for edtech (apart from many others, which I hope will come by as well)... how come not so much progress has been made? #iLRN

And to be honest, although I’m enjoying my campus visit, this visit should really be possible on a mobile device as well. Any plans for that? #iLRN

I've been kicking this football in #iLRN - sorry I eventually inadvertently kicked it into the water.

This is the exhibition hall.
Here I have run into a hidden wall. #iLRN #iLRN2020

I tried to get at the top of the skyscraper but I don't think it can be done. What if you went to the sports fields and could run a Fifa version? #iLRN #iRLN2020

You can actually get in the boat! #iLRN #iLRN2020

The Truman Show? #iLRN #iLRN2020

Top of the lighthouse #iLRN #iLRN2020

I actually didn't need a boat #iLRN #iLRN2020

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