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Jun 21, 2020, 9 tweets

#SunTemple is dedicated to God Surya & is located at Modhera Mehsana, Gujarat, India. It was built after 1026-27 CE during the reign of Bhima I of the Chaulukya dynasty. No worship is offered now.


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#SunTemple complex has 3 components: Gudhamandapa, shrine hall; Sabhamandapa, the assembly hall & Kunda, the reservoir. The halls have intricately carved exterior and pillars. The reservoir has steps to reach bottom & numerous small shrines.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #Modhera

The Sabhamandapa & Gudhamandapa, both are built on a paved platform. Their roofs have collapsed long ago leaving behind a few lower-most courses. The platform or plinth is inverted lotus-shaped.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #SunTemple #Modhera #TemplesOfIndia

Gudhamandapa is equally divided into Gudhamandapa, hall & Garbhgriha, the shrine proper. Both are rectangular in plan with one projection on each of the smaller sides and two projections on each of the longer sides.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #SunTemple #Modhera #TemplesOfIndia

These windows had perforated stone screens; the northern is in ruins & southern is missing. Pradakshinamarga is formed by passage b/w walls of Garbhgriha & outer walls of Gudhamandapa. The roof of passage has stones slabs carved with rosettes.

#HistoryEncyclopedia #SunTemple

Figures of God Surya are prominently carved on 3 niches of shrine proper as well as on each side of 3 windows in outer wall of Gudhamandapa. 📷The figure of God Surya is in standing position with 2 arms holding lotuses & driven by 7 horses.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #SunTemple

📷2: Sabhamandapa with ornately carved pillars and exterior.

📷3: Ceiling of Sabhamandapa.

Sabhamandapa, the assembly hall is parallelogram in plan with rows of pillars opening entrance on each side diagonally.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #SunTemple #TemplesOfIndia #Modhera

Torana arise from lower brackets of pillars & touch lintels in middle.The lower brackets has Makara which gives the name of Makara-Torana

📷1:Long & short pillars, semicircular & triangular arches.

📷2:Pillars of Kirti-Torana & steps leading to Kunda.


#SunTemple #Modhera

Kunda (कुंड) is known as Ramakunda or Suryakunda. The flight of steps through kirti-torana leads to the reservoir. It is rectangular. It measures 176 feet from north to south and 120 feet from east to west.

📷1:Panoramic view of the Kunda.


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