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"I wish her well." - Donald Trump to sex trafficking rapist, Ghislaine Maxwell - 7/21/2020 Ghislaine Maxwell found Guilty! 12/29/2021

Jun 21, 2020, 5 tweets

More #EpsteinAssociates

Cheri Krape Lynch and her sister Nicole Krape Hesse both worked for Jeffrey Epstein.

Nicole currently works as a hospitality professional in West Palm Beach.

Cheri is a massage therapist in Jupiter, Florida

They are listed under "staff" for the Palm beach house. A note says that they are well versed in supervising and shopping for PB, when necessary.

A few of the times they showed up on the message pads.

And Cheri's flight log appearances. (Didn't see Nicole on these) I guess a massage therapist would come in handy on those trips to Jeffrey's island with "AP" who I believe is Prince Andrew. 😒

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