Mandy McLaren Profile picture
teacher turned reporter, currently telling stories for @courierjournal. past: @washingtonpost, #NOLAed.

Jun 23, 2020, 13 tweets

I don’t know if it’s the sunny weather, the food trucks, or the roller coasters in the background, but I’ve never been at a polling place that has such a carnival-like vibe to it.

Lots of smiles. No complaints. (That’s I’ve heard, at least!)

LaJa Hurt brought her 13-year-old daughter and 2-year-old niece with her to vote.

Hurt says they’re related to @Booker4KY, but that she would have votes for him regardless of the connection:

Well I once again spoke too soon.

Quite a lot of complaints being launched back and forth between those for and against tax increase that would benefit JCPS.

After a tense back and forth between these two women, (pro tax increase in left, anti-tax increase on right), now a handful of sheriff’s officers out here keeping an eye out/managing the crowd.

cc: @oliviakrauth (whose reporting I hear referenced in this exchange 👇)

Crowd has thinned out but standoff continues. JCPS teacher Kumar Rashad (blur shirt) is telling voters that the petition is “anti-education, anti-poor.”

“None of them are teachers!”

He has a list of districts that oh more in taxes than JCPS that he keeps reading off.

Anti-tax group packs up and leaves.

Theresa Camoriano tells me they think they secured at least 1,000 signatures today. That puts them close 30k, she said.


“I think there’s a big problem in JCPS with bullying. And this is a teacher in JCPS that is being a tremendous bully. We are leaving because we don’t want a problem. And it’s a pity that we can’t exercise our rights because of a bully.”

“He’s complaining that students are getting murdered,” she continues. “Why do students get murdered? Because this is what they’re taught to do.”

Rashad part 1:

Rashad part 2:

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