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Jun 24, 2020, 6 tweets

TEPSA submits RECOMMENDATIONS to every new @EUCouncil Presidency 🇩🇪🇪🇺

➡️➡️➡️#EU2020DE have received 4⃣

@FundaTekin17 from @IEP_Berlin gives here introduction

@GermanyInTheEu @parleu2020de @AuswaertigesAmt @GermanyDiplo


1⃣Supporting the EU’s Economic Recovery

@michelemchang from @collegeofeurope suggests THREE main recommendations:

🗣️Support the Recovery and Resilience Facility
💶Create a budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness
🏦Change the mandate of the @ecb

2⃣ Climate Change and Sustainability

@gaby_um from @EuropeanUni want #EU2020DE to:

🍃Implement the European Green Deal
🗣️Engage in climate diplomacy
📜Push forward the new EU #Climate Law

3⃣ Resilience of the EU’s Project

@HeinikoskiSaila from @FIIA_fi recommends that the new Presidency:

🏦Agree guidelines for Justice and Home Affairs
❌Tackle hate-speech and disinformation
📜Uphold the rule of law

4⃣ Strengthening the EU’s Role in a post-COVID World

As regards the EU's global role, @NHelwig from @FIIA_fi suggests that #EU2020DE:

🇨🇳Reassess relations with China
🔒Strengthen security and defence
🤝Foster a ring of friends

The TEPSA Recommendations are an institution. We invite #EU2020DE to take them onboard

Thanks to our contributors from @IEP_Berlin, @collegeofeurope, @EuropeanUni, and @FIIA_fi

READ the full Recommendations👉…
WATCH the full video👉…

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