Viktor Gamov 🌟 Profile picture
🥑 @startreedata, ☕️Java Champion, Co-author @kafkainaction @EnterpriseWebBk ex @thekonginc @confluentinc Stupidity is my own. Retweet !== endorsement

Jun 24, 2020, 5 tweets

Speaking at #swampup right now! @swamp_up @jfrog

how to align #devops goals and business goals #swampup @swamp_up

@apachekafka streaming platform implementation and operations patterns #swampup @swamp_up

moder testing stages for event-driven #devops @swamp_up #swampup @kafkastreams @testcontainers @HelmPack @confluentinc Kubernetes operator

a backbone of event-driven #devops @swamp_up @apachekafka @confluentinc

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