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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Jun 26, 2020, 5 tweets

Here at Lincoln Park, the statue of Abraham Lincoln that police were deployed to protect us surrounded by fence and concrete barriers.

Some police standing around nearby, and a handful of activists talking to one another. I don’t think any conflict will be happening here tonight

Checking in now at the #BHAZ area near the White House. A few dozen protesters are still here crowded around and arguing with the police guarding St. John’s.

It seems like there was some sort of conflict earlier, protesters demanding badge numbers.

The fence re-erected in front of the White House now has orange road sign-looking posters such as “rough road to equal rights” and “prepare to stop racism.”

There’s one guy who went to the cop side of the barricade and is arguing with them closeup, but they’re not arresting. Rest of the crowd mostly watching.

He’s basically giving them the finger up close and saying “fuck the police” over and over.

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