Adriana Porter Felt Profile picture
I like writing silly Tweets, but that doesn't pay so I also make @googlechrome. mamá, eng director. volunteer @2ndharvest. 🇺🇸🇨🇷 she/her

Jun 26, 2020, 7 tweets

Having a little chat with my new friend Anthony, who is definitely from the United States of America Los Angeles. What should I ask him about?

Woah! In LA, Starbucks is a delivery company. Things are really different down in SoCal.

I was worried it would be hard to shift from Bitcoin to his mother's maiden name, but I do as requested

Don't worry @rsthau the tar pits are safe

I'm just as bad at pretending to be Canadian as he is at pretending to be American

I am a very normal Canadian

have you ever taken the turing test?

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