🍉Prof. Thrasher is on summer writing hiatus 🔻 Profile picture
Daniel Renberg Chair @medillschool. Wrote The Viral Underclass. Columnist @lithub. Writing The Overseer Class for @AmistadBooks @HarperCollins (2025) ✊🏾🌈💉

Jun 27, 2020, 14 tweets

1. “How many people are ready to treat every Black trans woman like she is Beyoncé?” Back at #Occupy2020 and it’s super inspiring to see young ppl on the People’s Mic—just the best in pedagogy & direct democracy.

2. “If I can unpack misogynoir, if I can unpack transphobia, if I can unpack ableism, so the fuck can you.”

3. Current speaker (not sure of name) is explaining beautifully that, since capitalism always values Black life less than property, it was the reason why state politics & mainstream media value buildings on fire every time

4. These young people, speaking in the shadow of capitalism in the form of a rather on-the-nose Frank Gehry design, are just so rhetorically & intelecually sharp.

5. Ahead of the queer march tomorrow

6. Joining thousands on bike for a ride

7. Brother in the horn & board

8. Bill Dobbs! Here’s a pic of him at Occupy 2020. Here’s an interview I did w him at Occupy 2011 villagevoice.com/2012/06/20/doe…

9. I’m in my happy place—visiting activism history w @TheDobbsWire, recalling the day we witnessed the occupation move from Zucotti to 6th Ave

10. OMG, it’s Manhattanhenge tonight, one of the few nights when the sun sets into Manhattan’s grid, and I just happen to be here for it

11. Peeled off and heading back to the occupation, in a lit but mostly empty Times Square

12. This has been one of the most beautiful bike rides of my life—from Prospect Park to Central Park (layter half with thousands of #BlackLivesMatter riders. As @alexgoldmark said, the stars ⭐️ literally aligned for me! https://t.co/IDFme1UF7z

13. The occupation is powered, sustainably

14. Occupy (2011) & @StoryCorps (2007) old heads @thrasherxy & @michaelpremo!

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