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Jun 28, 2020, 9 tweets

A thread on coming #Justice. There is no escaping the Criminal Negligence shown by 5 governors in this country. In this thread, I will lay out the simple case that each state's US Attorney has against each governor. These governors are:
Gretchen Whitmer D-Michigan

Tom Wolf D-Pennsylvania

Andrew Cuomo D-New York

Phil Murphy D-New Jersey

Last, but not least Gavin Newsom D-California

Don't let their smiles fool you. These people are sick. The Executive Orders that they wrote, forcing nursing homes to intake Certificate Of IDentification positive people, were Criminally Negligent AT A MINIMUM. There is a lot to Cover, so bare with me. Lots of different laws.

Let's start with Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. There is certainly evidence of other crimes that these people have committed. However, we are going to stick with what they did to our seniors, because I feel that this is an especially egregious crime. Thousands of counts...

In Michigan, their Criminal Negligent Homicide is defined as Manslaughter under Chapter 750, Michigan Penal Code 750.321. Manslaughter is defined in this context is "causes the death of another individual through their actions by creating a situation where the risk of...

...great bodily harm or death was very high, knowing that as a result of the accused actions, he or she knew that serious harm or death would likely result." Let's take a look at the timeline, shall we?

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