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Jun 29, 2020, 12 tweets

Here's a 10-tweet thread on the experiences of one woman who has stated that she believes in biological reality, today. This concerns Caroline Farrow and Doctor Adrian Harrop. 1/10

Caroline Farrow is a broadcaster who received some media attention in late 2018 for saying, shockingly, 'people cannot change sex'. As you may know, Dr Adrian Harrop, is a trans activist with a proud track record of measured discussion with any woman who has this view 2/10

Caroline's husband is a Catholic priest at two parishes and in 2019 Harrop asked Stephanie Hayden for a game of golf, using a picture of one of her husband's churches. Hayden famously has a conviction for attacking a man with a golf club. 3/10

Hayden has launched legal actions against many people, including Caroline, over their views on the trans debate, and turned up at her house to serve her the papers (this image was taken by Farrow inside her home shortly after the golf club tweets were posted). 4/10

Later that year Caroline's ESTA to visit the USA was withdrawn just before she was about to travel, with no explanation given why. At the same time Dr Harrop revealed he'd just visited the US embassy in London. 5/10

Caroline posted details about her children on Instagram, as many mothers do. Harrop then revealed a couple of weeks later that he'd been following the account and knows her children's names and the schools they attend, making comments about their mental states. 6/10

This year Dr Harrop implied he had compromising images of Caroline Farrow that he would distribute, despite this seemingly being in breach of revenge porn legislation. He also said he was tracking her periods and mocked her mental state - Caroline suffers from anxiety. 7/10

Harrop then said he might order 100 rainbow lanyards and have them sent to clinical staff who operate in Caroline's area. And when Caroline said Disney should spend less effort preaching about LGBT in their films, he joked about her getting Covid-19. 8/10

Recently Caroline has been receiving several takeaway deliveries, traced back to Farnborough, that she didn't order from someone harassing her. Harrop has now tweeted that he's been mysteriously speaking to police and put his location as 'Farnborough'. 9/10

Caroline doesn't actually live in Farnborough, but in between there and Godalming. Shortly afterwards, Harrop, who lives in Liverpool, tweeted that his location was now in Godalming. Caroline has called the police. 10/10

Update: Harrop has updated his profile picture so that it is now an image of the Surrey Hills and has joked with Hayden that he will visit the area again. (A reminder that we’re still in Covid-19 lockdown and he hasn't been doing clinical work as he has diabetes)

A reverse image search of Adrian Harrop's new profile picture reveals it is of Farnham. Caroline Farrow's husband's parish is in Farnham

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