Steve Masters Profile picture
Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for #Newbury. Cllr for #Speenhamland on Newbury Town Council. Veteran. Ex RAF, Electric #Narrowboater

Jun 29, 2020, 8 tweets

Please send me clips of your favourite parts of #FantasticMrFox
I'm now living in #JonesHillWood to try & save this wonderful piece of natural & literary history. #RoaldDahl
@natalieben @GreenJennyJones @jon_bartley @ShahrarAli @TheGreenParty @stophs2 @BBCBerkshire @guardianeco

Thank you Amanda. #StopHS2

.@RobertLindsay can you share this tweet and possibly read a little of #FantasticMrFox #StopHS2

@Francesca_lucia and Ronnie say don't destroy #JonesHillWood

Here we have Freddie who is also a huge @SheffieldUnited fan. Thanks Freddie. #StopHS2

Here we have Amelia from #WestBerkshire reading from the #FantasticMrFox book. #StopHS2 @BBCBerkshire

Isla is Amelia's sister and has tackled the book herself. 🙌 many thanks girls. #StopHS2

.@xanthefuwells hanging around in the trees here at #JonesHillWood
Please #StopHS2

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