Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for #Newbury.
Cllr for #Speenhamland on Newbury Town Council. Veteran. Ex RAF,
Electric #Narrowboater
Sep 22, 2020 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
A thread.
Today I sat in Wendover reflecting on not only the last couple of weeks, recent months but also the last 34 years since I first came to this village as a 16yr old recruit. It is hard to process the changes that have taken place since Nov '86 #StopHS2@Hs2Rebellion 1/9
Back then I was pretty clueless, some might say I still am. I had never flown, that came the following year with a trip to Corfu. I hadn't had my heartbroken, or broken anyones heart come to think of it. I've been married, had children divorced & I am now a Grandfather. 2/9