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In Financial Markets since 2014 Premium group: https://t.co/h07LAeAOEd Analyst: @BecauseBitcoin Trader: @BBWealthMGMT NEWSLETTER 👇

Jun 29, 2020, 5 tweets

5th request @AltcoinIndigo

is pretty good looking chart.

Currently still held by a resistance but that could change soon. Bouncing from a TL and a daily support.

It's a good buy imo atm with a SL just below the lows but even better when it flips the resistance!


flipped the resistance and moving nicely so far, following the plan.

A good place to get in again would be a retest of the S/R


following our plan very nicely 🙌

There was another chance to get in on this latest pullback

So many great setups around right now


There you go. Everything went as planned. Rest is up to you


Just an update to this how you could've multiplied this many many times 😉


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