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Supervising Producer of @ABCSharkTank Former Head of Live Video @BuzzfeedNews Independent News Producer

Jun 30, 2020, 13 tweets

Watch live as a violin vigil is being held for Elijah McClain outside the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles.

This is such a beautiful vigil.

Here is @LindseyStirling performing her rendition of “Hallelujah” for #ElijahMcClain

This is @sudanarchives. I have never seen a violin performance like this in my entire life. Looping vocals into the violin pickups 🤯 #ElijahMcClain

This is @vthemartian performing “Amazing Grace” at the #ElijahMcClain vigil in Los Angeles

This is @__ChrisJames__ performing at #ElijahMcClain’s violin vigil in Los Angeles tonight. Follow him on SoundCloud/IG @ hellastrings. So much talent here tonight!

This was up there with one of the most powerful moments I’ve ever experienced. Attendees brought their own stringed instruments and played an impromptu performance together throughout the crowd to tie up the night. #ElijahMcClain

Performers didn’t want to leave when #ElijahMcClain’s vigil ended - so a jam session ensued.

Jam #2 for #ElijahMcClain. The talent here is just ✨

Shot of the crowd at #ElijahMcClain’s violin vigil tonight in Los Angeles.

Here are #ElijahMcClain's last words - read aloud with an accompaniment of violins. Filmed last night in Los Angeles.


Here are #ElijahMcClain's last words - read aloud with an accompaniment of violins. Filmed last night in Los Angeles.


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