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Jul 1, 2020, 6 tweets

#PadmanabhapuramPalace is a Travancore era palace located in Padmanabhapuram, Kalkulam, 
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. It is also known as Kalkulam Palace.

📷1: View from the Entrance
📷2: Backside view of palace.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #PalaceOfIndia #History

#PadmanabhapuramPalace is complex inside with an old granite fortress around four kilometers long. The palace is located at the foot of the Veli Hills, which forms a part of the Western Ghats. 

📷1+2: Front of the palace.


#HistoryEncyclopedia #PalaceOfIndia

The palace was constructed around 1601 CE by Iravi Varma Kulasekhara Perumal. The founder of modern Travancore, King Anizham Thirunal Marthanda Varma who ruled Travancore from 1729 to 1758, rebuilt palace in around 1750..


📷1: Clock Tower & Roof of #PadmanabhapuramPalace.

King Marthaanda Varma dedicated the kingdom to his family deity Sree Padmanabha, a form of Lord Vishnu & ruled kingdom as Padmanabha dasa or servant of Lord Padmanabha. Hence the name Padmanabhapuram or City of Lord Padmanabha.


#PadmanabhapuramPalace #HistoryEncyclopedia

📷1:Mantrasala (Council chamber)
📷2+3: The famous horse-lamp Kuthira Vilakku (Side View).
📷4: Royal Master Bedroom.


#PadmanabhapuramPalace #HistoryEncyclopedia #PalaceOfIndia #History

📷1:The grand ceiling in wood.

📷2: From here, Ladies of the Court looked out.

📷3: Navratri Mandapam.

📷4: Intricate Woodwork on portico.


#PadmanabhapuramPalace #HistoryEncyclopedia #PalaceOfIndia #History

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