Steven J. Stack Profile picture
KY Commissioner for Public Health, emergency physician, past president @AmerMedicalAssn, student of the Classics. Opinions my own. RT ≠ endorsement

Jul 2, 2020, 8 tweets

It’s straightforward - Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands, & get tested if sick. It shouldn’t require mandates. Let’s take a look again at what happens when folks choose poorly. /1

A little more detail on TX. /2

When it gets real bad, the hospitals fill up, run out of space, and can run out of resources to maximally treat everyone who needs care. Let’s pray this doesn’t happen in Arizona (or anywhere else) /3

Florida hitting record highs for COVID-19, too. The public health crisis worsens exponentially when swift action isn’t taken and people don’t comply. /4

Maybe cancelling college football resonates more for some. /5

Georgia setting records, too. Not the records one want to set. /6

Staying #HealthyAtHome for the holiday weekend looks safer and safer with each passing day. /7

It’s simple. Wear a mask 😷 Socially distance. Wash your hands. Get tested and self-isolate if sick. The alternative is bad. Scan the headlines yourself if the ones above aren’t enough. #COVID19 is deadly to health and economy. We can’t afford to ignore this reality.

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