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Data nerd 👨🏻‍💻• econometrist • graphs in R

Jul 3, 2020, 10 tweets

Update 3 July (thread)

75 new confirmed cases (total: 50.487)
2 new fatalities (total: 6.120)
4 new hospitalisation (total: 11.882)

The map shows cases, hospitalisations and fatalities in nominal, per capita and growth figures.
#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

The total number of hospitalisations, cases and fatalities due to #COVID19 per Dutch province.

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #coronavirusNederland

3 municipality report a new hospitalisation due to #COVID19, compared to yesterday.

4 new hospitalisations are located and 0 hospitalisations are removed.

The biggest increase is in Gouda (+2).

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #CoronaCrisis

38 municipalities report at least one new cases of #COVID19, compared to yesterday.

72 new cases are located and 0 cases are removed.

The biggest increase is in Amsterdam (+10) and 's-Gravenhage (+8).

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #CoronaCrisis

2 municipalities report one new fatality due to #COVID19, compared to yesterday.

2 new fatalities are located and 0 fatalities are removed.

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #CoronaCrisis

Municipalities with most cases, hospitalisations and fatalities, both nominal as well as per 10,000 inhabitants.

#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

Maassluis has the highest growth rate of confirmed cases over the last week, measured as the difference in percentage (+13.34%).

Graphs for other municipalities available on request!
#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

Absolute new cases of #COVID19 per Dutch province:

Drenthe, Friesland, Groningen (+0)
Flevoland, Zeeland (+1)
Gelderland, Utrecht (+2)
Limburg, Overijssel (+5)
Noord-Brabant (+7)
Noord-Holland (+20)
Zuid-Holland (+32)


Cases of #COVID19 per Dutch province per 100,000 inhabitants over time:


New reported COVID-19 cases per Dutch province over time. The graph shows the absolute number of newly reported cases, as provided in the daily report of the RIVM.

#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

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