Anurag Jain Profile picture
सचिव, आवासन और शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार | Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt. of India

Jul 3, 2020, 5 tweets

Delighted to sign the Engagement and Coordination Arrangement (ECA) with @usaid_india today.
ECA comes as a continuation to the MoU on Cooperation in the field of WASH that was signed between GOI and USAID in 2015.

The MoU was signed to implement sustainable water, sanitation & hygiene solutions ultimately improving the health outcomes of urban populations.
With the support of USAID, we have been able to achieve significant milestones under the SBM-U.

It is noteworthy that we are signing the ECA on a day when we are entering into the sixth edition of #SwachhSurvekshan.
SBM Toilets on Google Maps was developed with support from USAID & has proven to be a game changer in our sustainable sanitation journey.

Initiatives like eLearning portal with Microsoft, National FSSM Policy, Media Agency for SBM-U were also piloted with support from USAID.
We look forward to our partnership with USAID which will lead to a stronger union, particularly in technology, testing & piloting new products

I thank Ms. Ramona El Hamzaoui for her support & I am sure that this new phase of our engagement will lead to a stronger partnership in our common vision of transforming urban WASH services in our country.

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