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RWBY lorekeeper, critic and Adam poster. I mainly talk about RWBY and nutty takes from it's wild fandom on here. I'm not always active so expect periodic posts.

Jul 3, 2020, 6 tweets

"There was never two Adams."

Yeah you're right, even if we don't count "Monty's Adam" there's at least THREE three different Adams. V3, V5 and V6 Adam are not the same character. #RWBY #adamtaurus

Cool, calculated and threatening, V3 Adam was someone who Cinder wanted on her team for his ability to lead others. He was the type of person to look into his ex's eyes and tell her that he's going to destroy everything she loves without so much as flinching.

Then we have V5 Adam, someone who is easily angered and loses hope at the slightest sign of resistance. Resorts to asking Hazel what next steps they should do when the going gets rough. No leadership qualities.

And finally, we come to V6 Adam. Someone who only cared about ending Blake, but not for the reasons that V5 Adam would have gone after her for. His only goal for wanting her dead is because she left him, with absolutely no mention of her ruining his plans.

#Rwby Adding onto V6 Adam being a forced narrative alternate universe retcon of V5 Adam, here's his motivation to chase Blake from the description of the Adam character short, pre retcon. Adam wanted revenge on Blake for stopping his rise to power in the WF. Not V6 Adam though.

#RWBY #adamtaurus

And in case volume 6 Adam being a retcon of V5 in every sense of the word wasn't clear enough, we have V5 Adam literally deciding to leave his mask behind, yet V6 still has his. It's clear that they decided to once again change Adam, this time to kill him off.

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