Shayan Sardarizadeh Profile picture
Senior journalist at BBC Verify | disinformation, conspiracy theories, verification, AI, open source investigations, extremism |

Jul 10, 2020, 6 tweets

More than 44,000 tweets in less than 48 hours for this new piece of "research" by the QAnon crowd. A tweet on 8 July seems to have started this bizarre claim that @Wayfair engages in child "sex trafficking" because some of its products are named after missing children

Once again, exclude retweets and the number of unique accounts pushing this drops from 20,000 to just 5,000 as 80% of the traffic is being driven by retweets. "Human trafficking" and "rabbit hole" also frequently appearing in the content. How big is the QAnon crowd in real world?

All the big tweets are from today. And once again, like #TakeTheOath, California and Texas seem to be hotspot states for QAnon content

This is going absolutely wild on Facebook too, where there are dozens and dozens of QAnon-dedicated pages and groups with hundreds of thousands of memebrs where this type of content can be shared with a huge audience

Here's the biggest Facebook post about Wayfair I can find, which has been shared 14,000 times. Plot twist, the user who posted it later says in an update that one of the kids has been found. "Doesn't mean this ain't happening. That's what they want you to think," he says...

Oh, look. One of the girls who was meant to have been "trafficked" by Wayfair has popped up on Facebook live to say she's read all this nonsense being shared about her and has had enough

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