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सचिव, आवासन और शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार | Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt. of India

Jul 12, 2020, 7 tweets

With a strong foundation laid down by the founding fathers 165 years ago, we celebrated the 166th CPWD Day today.

My heartiest congratulations to all the officials, employees & everyone associated with @CPWDGOV on this special occasion!

I have always held that India’s best brains, be it engineers, architects, planners, horticulturist etc, who have entered colleges and service through very stiff competition form this great organisation.

It has contributed to the great architectural & construction marvels of most of the renowned buildings in Delhi or elsewhere.

I feel privileged that such a prestigious organisation reports to my Ministry.

CPWD thrives to do better everyday. With the kind of technology emerging in every sector, it can continuously learn, upgrade its skills & do even better!
CPWD has a great role in making of an #AtmaNirbharBharat. They may fully adopt & nurture @makeinindia materials & products.

They have immense potential to spread the story of their success across India & the world. It is a matter of immense pride that it is taking up many projects that will go down defining this period of construction in annals of history.

Promoting ‘Make In India’ by using materials produced within the country & realising the dream of ‘New India’ will add to the name & fame of this organisation. Adding resource efficient practices & green technology to existing projects should be the first step in this direction.

COVID-19 pandemic has given an added challenge to us but we have to emerge stronger from this & adapt to new practices to make ourselves & India #SelfReliant & fulfill our Hon’ble PM’s dream & vision.
Wishing all the very best to CPWD for all its future endeavours!

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