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PhD Transatlantic History #gender #empire #migration Ops my own. Stop by for rabbit-hole perspectives & stay for posts on all things history! 👁 ❤️ 🗺 & ☕️

Jul 12, 2020, 10 tweets

It’s a good day to share some info on my research. 322 yrs ago today ships left #Scotland for Panama. This map from @UofGlasgowASC Darien; Spencer Col is a ship-view that travelers saw when first spying their destination. It’s the closest we have to understanding their view.

The idea of a joint-stock migration captured the attention of three elite Scottish women, motivating them to be first in line to subscribe to the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies in 1696.

Women also manufactured or contracted to provide large quantities of goods with the Company Directors as inventoried for the venture. Widow Justice was one who was paid for the fabric for ship’s sails.

Many women cooked, washed, and provided lodging for coopers, wrights, and carpenters working along the River Clyde who prepared the ships for departure and were paid by Company appointees.

There’a some debate how many women traveled on the venture. But some noted women travelers appearing my my dissertation are Elizabeth Park, who married Presbyterian minister Archibald Stobo and departed for Panama weeks later. Source: @ScotlandsPeople

Likewise, women maneuvered their networks and the Equivalent Courts to secure lost wages and other compensation that were due them when kin passed away due to illness, battles, or fatal hurricanes like Bess Allen from Fisherrow in 1707.

My dissertation (recently defended with support of @Prof_Murdoch @kenyonz, Cole, & Morris) is Imperial Women of Darien: Scottish Migration and Gender in the Atlantic World, 1660-1740” examines these and many more women in various capacities associated with the Darien Scheme.

Now if folks could just manage themselves properly and wear masks! Covid-19 could winnow away, allowing me and so many more desperate researchers hungry to expand their analysis and work on turning their work into books.

Thanks for reading along and allowing me a chance to take a moment of your day! Go out and enjoy your own environments for me. I’ll be here in the USA, yearning for the time when ##Scotland & #EU will let me in again 😉 #SelfIsolation #ReadyToBeBackInTheArchives

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