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Jul 15, 2020, 9 tweets

Ivanka Trump is right. 80% of Americans are ready to #findsomethingnew

When it comes to the handling of COVID, 67% of Americans are ready to #findsomethingnew ipsos.com/en-us/views-tr…

As for race relations, there 58% of Americans are ready to #findsomethingnew cbsnews.com/news/2020-dail…

American women are very eager to #findsomethingnew thehill.com/hilltv/rising/…

Truly, across the land, Americans are gasping to #findsomethingnew pbs.org/newshour/polit…

In Kansas and Montana, the cry goes up: #findsomethingnew axios.com/trump-biden-po…

American friends and allies plead #findsomethingnew pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020…

And with special relevance to this latest Ivanka Trump brainwave ... Americans look at the present First Family and almost unanimously agree: #findsomethingnew nytimes.com/2019/04/01/us/…

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