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Leading research centre for the study of constitutional change and territorial politics in the UK & beyond - Researching the issues. Informing the debate.

Jul 15, 2020, 9 tweets

Studying Politics or Modern Studies? Need help understanding constitutional issues? Or just looking for a refresher? Our NEW series can help! #TheBasics is a series of explanations of the more complex issues and terms used in our research. This month we focus on devolution ⬇

"A process not an event" @McEwen_Nicola provides a short explanation of devolution 👇


Devolved and reserved - what's the difference? @ja_sheldon provides an explanation of what is meant when we talk about these powers in a #UK context 👇


@Coree_Brown discusses the establishment of @ScotParl the powers it has and how these are used #TheBasics


Welsh devolution remains the most restricted of the three systems in #UK @GregJamesDavies discusses the powers of @SeneddWales and how these differ to its counterparts in the UK 👇


@jevershed01 provides an explanation of the Belfast Agreement and the powers transferred to @niassembly #TheBasics


When devolution was introduced in the UK in 1999 there were few demands for devolution in England and an English Parliament was not seriously considered. @ja_sheldon explains why England does not have its own parliament #TheBasics 👇


The Sewel convention is an important principle of devolution and a common practice of government. @McEwen_Nicola describes what the Sewel convention is and what it means for devolution in #UK #TheBasics


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