Jordan Pascale Profile picture
Former reporter, Nebraskan in D.C., Husker 🏈🏀 ATL ⚾ Always curious!

Jul 16, 2020, 7 tweets

Well. Trying to install tubeless tires on my bike by myself is the messiest and stupidest thing I’ve done all year.

Any tips or recommendations for shops to take this mess to, #bikedc?

Rims: (should already have correct tape on them. Only a four month old bike so I didn’t replace tape)


Sealant: Panaracer seal smart

Second attempt. This is gonna be a long day.

*endless scream*

UPDATE: added more rim tape on one tire and got it to seat after taking it to gas station air pump.

Well folks, we’ve done it. They’re seated and inflated and I’m terrified to ride on them.

Test drive not bad. Need to tighten a brake. But tires feel good!

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