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Lift the pedosadist / trafficking networks and the entire global oligarchy will be in the net. - Heather Marsh, 2014 #OpDeathEaters #Anonymous

Jul 17, 2020, 59 tweets

This thread is about Paolo Zampolli, a UN ambassador for Dominica (of which he is not a citizen) and #opDeathEaters regulars Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Silvio Berlusconi, Giuseppe Cipriano, Les Wexner, Harvey Weinstein, Jean Luc Brunel, John Casablancas, Jeffrey Epstein & more.

Zampolli was born in Italy and sold his inherited toy company to Silvio Berlusconi as a young adult.

In 1994, Zampolli organized the Look of the Year contest in Ibiza, Spain. He had started a modeling agency which he moved to the US on the advice of his friend John Casablancas, the founder of Elite Model Management.

Zampolli has strong connections to both Miami and New York: “When I arrived in the United States I worked in Miami for boat builders. Then I moved to New York to manage a modeling agency.”…

His US self-promotion was ably assisted by certain news outlets. “Vanity Fair magazine devoted a six-page story to his career, and his appearances in the economic and social press range from GQ magazine to the cover of the Wall Street Journal.”…

He was a regular in the circles of both Clintons and Trumps. He employed Melania Trump in Italy, obtained her US visa and introduced her to Donald Trump.…

“He owned an agency, ID Models, in New York before he “went on to form a partnership with real estate mogul Donald Trump and the Trump Organization as Director of International Development.”

"We were at Cipriani's one evening after the Victoria's Secret fashion show."

NYT: “Back then, Mr. Zampolli explained his thinking to CNBC. “The gorgeous ladies,” he said. “They meet the most rich and powerful people of the world, and some of them, they keep this connection.””

By 2008, “Zampolli ... holding functions at the UN like the UN Diamond Awards Gala for Renewable Energy and The Friends of Climate Change, in 2008. ... personally hosted by Zampolli and Ivanka Trump, among others.“…

"The UN was given over Friday night to a strange event, featuring Naomi Campbell, Heidi Klum and Patrick Dempsey. Purportedly its announced $450 a ticket cost benefited an environmental organization, the International Renewable Energy Organization."…

"Paolo Zampolli told Inner City Press that he was not concerned that the group's Advisory Board is "under construction;" there is no mention of the group in Google News or Lexis-Nexis. Zampolli was speaking into a cell phone, surrounded by models."

In 2013: Yet another sketchy ocean themed project to add to Maxwell’s Terra Mar and Collins-Rector’s Proteus by yet another person with no expertise in that area.…

In New York, Zampolli “dines twice a day” at Cipriani, owned by Giuseppe Cipriani who is featured in Jeffrey Epstein's black book and close to Harvey Weinstein and Sarah Ferguson (Prince Andrew's ex).…

Sarah Ferguson in #opDeathEaters
Peter Nygard:

"Cipriani is heir to a multibillion-dollar worldwide enterprise"…

Giuseppe Cipriani’s properties were Weinstein’s “hunting ground”
“They both liked power, money, and beautiful women,”
Weinstein used to give free rooms at Mr. C to celebrities: “If they stay there he had control of the women.”…

Weinstein victim Melissa Thompson says she inadvertently shared her evidence with Weinstein legal team after "mutual friend, Paolo Zampolli" “used deceptive tactics to cause her to believe that Brafman and Spiro were working for the victims.”…

“With at least three different victims, Weinstein and/or an attorney from Brafman sought the assistance of Ambassador Paolo Zampolli, a mutual acquaintance of the women.”

In 2006, Zampolli attempted to broker a deal between Page Six editor Richard Johnson and billionaire Ron Burkle "with Mr. Burkle ultimately alleging to the F.B.I. that the writer had tried to shake him down in return for better coverage."…

Meeting between Burkle and Page 6 writer: "footage and transcripts from a few minutes of the tape, circulated widely in the press ... How they are like the Mafia, how they are like family. There are three levels of protection."…

Another man featured in both Epstein's black book and Zampolli's circle is Flavio Briatore, who NY Mag calls "a convicted card cheat, and an accused Formula 1 race fixer, Briatore was a longtime fugitive in the Virgin Islands."

Briatore also shares Donald trump as a mutual friend with Zampolli.

After multiple convictions of fraud involving race fixing and card cheating and receiving two prison sentences in the 80s, Briatore lived as a fugitive in Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands. He never went to prison and returned to EU after receiving amnesty for both sentences in 2010.

Briatore's other interests revolve around models (he dated both Naomi Campbell & Heidi Klum and is now married to ex Silvio Berlusconi employee, model Elisabetta Gregoraci), clubs and resorts. Among other things, he opened a Cipriani’s in Mayfair in 2004.…

Briatore tax evasion of 36 million euros on his yacht:…
Superyacht seized in 2010, sentenced 18 months:…

And where there is Epstein and Maxwell, there is sure to be Jean Luc Brunel.

"Brunel, Zampolli and Trump insistently follow a model."…

Brunel is featured in Zampolli's story more importantly through a flight he took on Epstein's jet on June 27, 2002, listed just before Amanda Ungaro.…
This was the trip in which Epstein bought his Paris apartment:… #opDeathEaters

Amanda Ungaro was born in Londrina, a small town in the south of Brazil in Paraná state. She is currently a UN ambassador for Grenada (which she is not a citizen of), the mother of Zampolli's son and his wife of over a decade unless she wants child support.

In 2018 Ungaro attempted to leave Zampolli and he declared they were never married (and so he did not need to pay child support - but was able to stop her from taking their son out of the country).…

After refusing to pay Ungaro child support, alerting authorities to not let her fly back to Brazil and leaving her with no money to pay her legal fees, Zampolli announced that they 'reunited'.

““Amanda, an amazing mother, realized our son wanted a unified family — not court.””

Zampolli once compared Melania Trump to the childish Brazilian models he was apparently familiar with: “She was mature, she was 24 years old, she was not like those 14-year-old models from the middle of Brazil”, recalls Zampolli.…

Zampolli’s own relations with NY Post's Page Six editor was good enough that he was featured in a 2003 list called Singling out the Apple’s Hottest Studs which also included Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump Jr, John Casablancas' son Julian & Anthony Weiner.…

Zampolli’s relationship to both Trumps appears to have remained strong since inauguration, helped by Zampolli assuring the media that he (not Epstein) was the one to introduce Melania to Trump and that it was he who obtained a work visa for her.

According to the NYT, Zampolli preferred Trump as a 2016 US presidential candidate.…

Zampolli has been rewarded with a steady stream of invitations to functions arranged for those in Trump’s intimate circles.…

Zampolli's ambitions are greater, however and he may be part of the reason the Trump-Bolsonaro relationship is so effusive.

“I want to be known as the Brazilian friend of the president and the first lady,” says Italian Paolo Zampoll.…

Zampolli was much more guarded regarding his relationship with Clinton, according to NYT.…

Clinton and Zampolli mutual Ron Burkle once considered buying a modeling agency that he and Clinton would run together according to Page Six.…

Ron Burkle was also a passenger on Epstein flights 'to Africa'. Thread: #opCanaryi

Zampolli also connects to Ghislaine Maxwell through both Clintons and Trump.

"One person familiar ... said that while Maxwell “was incredibly close” to Chelsea Clinton, “She had her own relationship with Bill Clinton and was very close to him.”"…

Chelsea Clinton, also in Epstein’s black book, maintained a close relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell who was “participating in the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2013”…

Chelsea Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky said Maxwell was dating their “very close family friend”, billionaire Ted Waitt.

"Waitt, whose philanthropic endeavors focus on the world’s oceans, has given somewhere between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation."

"In 2012, Maxwell launched her own Ocean-focused charity, the TerraMar Project. A year later, the Clinton Global Initiative trumpeted a TerraMar initiative among the “commitments to action""…

"A 2013 news release on the website for TerraMar ... describes the alliance as a four-way partnership between TerraMar; another nonprofit called the Global Partnerships Forum; the late Stuart Beck, who served as “ambassador on oceans and seas” from ...Palau; and Paolo Zampolli."

"Zampolli [said] Beck — who served on TerraMarr’s board in 2013 — brought Maxwell to the UN twice.

TerraMar sought to build social networks around ocean protection, issuing free “Ocean Passports” to anyone who pledged to support its goals, making them an “ocean citizen.”"

Missing from thread above: Epstein and Zampolli tried to buy Elite (John Casablancas old agency) together in 2004. It sold to Eddie and Jules Trump, no relation to Donald.… #opDeathEaters

In 2009, Zampolli was already involved with the UN and funding directed for the Caribbean.
"...World Bank as a climate change advisor to try to get the money to pay for this project, because without money, nothing can be done."…

On August 16, 2013, Palau appointed H.E. Stuart Beck as its first Ambassador on Oceans and Seas.
“our first priority has to be getting oceans into the SDGs.”…

According to his own site, Zampolli was appointed Ambassador For Oceans and Seas for Dominica in Oct 2013, the position Beck was appointed to for Palau 2 months earlier.
Zampolli’s sometimes-wife Amanda Ungaro was appointed Ambassador for Grenada in 2014.…

The Zampolli appointments were made by Roosevelt Skerrit, PM of Dominica and Keith Mitchell PM of Grenada.

According to an Al Jazeera investigation, “The current PMs of Dominica and Grenada are ... paid by wealthy foreigners wanting to be diplomats.”

“Trade in diplomatic passports is the most lucrative endeavour for PMs. 250,000 - unless you’re hot, really hot, then the price will go to over a million”
"The more desperate you are for immunity, the more the price goes up.”
“Declared as humanitarian donations for Dominica”

Ambassador’s are entitled to a diplomatic passport, diplomatic bags can’t be opened, they live tax-free in the country they are appointed to, their homes and embassies can’t be searched and ambassadors have diplomatic immunity against arrest for most crimes. #OpDeathEaters

#opDeatheaters has long pointed out the pivotal role played by embassies in child rape and trafficking networks but they are just as useful for other crime.

In the documentary, Robertson rails against ‘fake diplomats’. The problem is not real or fakeness, it is the entire structure of yachts, palaces, embassies, official secrets and immunity that allows and encourages government by networks organized crime.

Zampolli is both a diplomatic passport holder and involved in the citizenship by investment schemes, accused of selling citizenship to people under sanctions.…

Among other things, a Caribbean hotel + passport scheme would hypothetically be a great setup for a merger of the Cipriani-Weinstein hotel setup and Epstein's island with the addition of easy passports for international trafficking.
Brunel-Cipriani-Epstein all in one package.

Some pre-election coverage:
September 2019, The Zampolli matter: More fuel for “Where De Money Gone” campaign?…
October 2019 Court action against Range Developments…
Dominica’s the Range/Kempinski Project:…

A February, 2003 article states that Amanda Ungaro was 18 at the time and had been in Paris for four years, since she was 14. #opDeathEaters…

Donald Trump announces he will nominate Paolo Zampolli to the Kennedy Center Board of Trustees.

Zampolli is Melania Trump's former 'modeling agent' who is linked to child trafficking networks (including Epstein's). #OpDeathEaters…

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