Mario Klingemann 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Artist, Neurographer, AI Prompteur, Coder, Purveyor of Systems, Data Dumpster Diver, Information Recycler

Jul 17, 2020, 5 tweets

It's like programming, but with free text. I don't think a five-year old could do that. #gpt3

It took me three attempts to refine my instructions (on the left) until the model understood what I wanted. Output on the right.

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Talk about generalization. (And playing a nice trick in the second one - at first I thought it was falling in the classic mix-up trap, but did a great save here.)

The imaginary dialogue pattern is very interesting. I can't get enough of it. Here I arrange a #gpt3 meeting between Alan Turing and Claude Shannon:

In a very opportunistic continuation of my fictional GPT-3 conversations series I've put @MCHammer and @SchmidhuberAI in a studio to have a chat about AI.

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