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"I wish her well." - Donald Trump to sex trafficking rapist, Ghislaine Maxwell - 7/21/2020 Ghislaine Maxwell found Guilty! 12/29/2021

Jul 18, 2020, 11 tweets

Grapevine Salon is circled in the black book in Epstein's Virgin Islands section.

Who are these people? #EpsteinAssociates

Not clear if this is the same Grapevine Salon, but honestly how many GS can there be in St. John VI?…

Karen and Lynn Gray from originally from Utah now residing in Sierra Vista, AZ. Both massage therapists

Martha Landt another massage therapist, now a midwife in Hawaii

Gretchen Rhodes, a well known celeb in Hawaii. Not clear if she was only a performer at the Salon or also did massages but she does have an active massage license to this day.

She also appears in the Epstein LSJ section.…

She's been the lead singer in Mick Fleetwood's Island Rumor band for the last 15 years. Earlier this year she released her debut album.

She stared in Kenny Chesney's Wild Child video below.

Kenny has a few homes on St. John and they knew each other from back in the day.…

Kevin Reynolds, former NYPD turned massage therapist.

Specializes in infant massages...

"I worked for Jeffrey Epstein on Little St. James. I taught his girls how to do massage I've met celebrities on the island I know Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell."

Holy fuk 😳😳😳

His wife's catering business in St. John mentioned in the bio above.…

Journos...Talk to these folks especially Kevin ffs.…

One more comment from him. Also it appears he's not with Krista the wife with the catering business any longer as it says single on his profile.

"You do realize Jeffrey was a client of mine"

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