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A globetrotter always looking forward to the next boarding call.

Jul 18, 2020, 14 tweets

Skillet Cinnamon Rolls (I went through a cast iron cooking phase). This takes 2 hours so it’s more brunch than breakfast. Step 1 - make the dough. You need 3 cups all-purpose flour, 1 packet rapid rise yeast, 1/2 tsp salt, 3 Tbsp sugar, 3 Tbsp butter, 1 egg, 3/4 cup water. /1

Combine ONE cup of flour, sugar, yeast and salt in mixer bowl and stir. Put water and butter in glass bowl, microwave about 30-50s until reaches 120-130 F. Add to flour mixture and beat 2 minutes at medium speed. /2

Add egg, mix to combine. Add one more cup of flour, then bit by bit enough flour so that the dough will form a ball. Usually that’s about 1/2 cup for me. /3

Flour a smooth surface (I use a silicone pastry mat), drop the dough on it and shape a smooth ball. /4

Now let’s work the dough. Knead it a few times on a lightly floured surface, using the heel of your hands, folding the dough back on itself, turning then doing it again. I have a short video to demonstrate. After that, cover and let it rest for 10 minutes. /7

While the dough rests, make caramel. You’ll need a cast iron skillet, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup unsalted butter and 1/4 cup corn syrup. Heat on stove until butter melts, stirring to combine until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. /6

Next step is filling. You’ll need 1/2 cup sugar, 1.5 tsp cinnamon and about 3 Tbsp butter (softened or slightly melted. I put mine in the microwave for about 15 seconds). /7

By now the 10 minutes are up and it’s time to roll the dough on a lightly flour surface. You want to end up with a rectangle about 15 x 12. I suck at this so don’t judge. /8

Next you use a pastry brush or the back of a spoon to cover the dough, end to end, with the melted/softened butter. /9

Now sprinkle the sugar/cinnamon mixture, covering the entire rectangle. From the wide edge, start rolling the dough in tightly, tucking in as you go. You will end up with a tube about 15 inches in length. /10

Use a sharp knife to slice the tube in 10 even parts, each about 1.5 in. There will be a somewhat loose flap when you pick up the rolls, pull that tight without stretching. /11

Put the rolls in the skillet on top of the caramel. Arrange them so the end flap is against the side of the skillet. Social distance your rolls a bit. On a 10” skillet I get nine rolls around and one in the middle. Cover with a dish towel, let rise for 45 minutes. /12

Pre-heat oven to 350 F. Bake the rolls in the skillet for about 20-25 minutes, until the tops are slightly browned. Meanwhile, prepare the icing. You will need 1 Tbsp of melted butter, 1/4 tsp vanilla, 1 cup powdered sugar, 2-3 Tbsp milk. Mix it all with a whisk until smooth. /13

Cover the bowl tightly with plastic film to avoid drying out. When the rolls are done, spoon icing over them still in the skillet. They are served like that rather than inverted on a platter. You want the icing on top and caramel on the bottom. Enjoy! #QuarantineFood /14x

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