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Jul 20, 2020, 8 tweets

Harvard gave Epstein an office that he visited 40+ times, often with young female assistants. The convicted pedo met with some of the worlds most prominent scientists & academics, then tried to remove photos of those meetings from the internet.

George Church is co-inventor of gene editing tool #CRISPr, & is a highly influential (eu)geneticist. Church took Epstein's money from 05-07, met with him 6 times in 2014 & visited the pedo island in 07.
He blames the relationship on "nerd tunnel vision"

Martin Nowak was Epsteins closest associate at Harvard & received $6.5m from Epstein in 03 to establish the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics. Nowak brazenly promoted the convicted pedo on Harvards website & visited the island. He is still employed by Harvard, now on paid leave.

Eric Lander is founding director of Broad Institute at Harvard & MIT which is a prominent genome research lab. Lander was on Obamas scientific advisory board & is a member of the Pontifical Academy of Science. He claims to have not known about Epstein & 'had no relationship'.

Seth Lloyd is a physics prof at MIT specializing in quantum mechanics. Lloyd received $285k in donations from Epstein from 2005-2017, went to the island & even visited the pedo in jail. Lloyd is still a prof at MIT, now on paid leave. #FireLloyd

David Gergen was a presidential advisor to Nixon, Ford, Reagan & Clinton, a Bohemian Grove occultist & is now a resident shill at CNN.

Leon Black is the billionaire Wall St crook who donated $5m to MIT to be spent at Epsteins direction.

Both met with the pedo on school campus.

Henry Rosovsky, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at Harvard was reportedly one of Epsteins closest friends & has a building at Harvard named after him that was funded by Epstein & Les #Wexner in 1990. Also flew on Epsteins plane...

Harvard's Shorenstein Center is lobbying to censor/remove the internet archive, citing harmful covid disinformation.
Are you sure its not because of all the connections that Harvard has to pedophiles that are being found on archived webpages? @BostonJoan

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