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Jul 21, 2020, 20 tweets

Hostage situation as armed man is threatening to blow up a bus in Lutsk. Shots fired, police on the scene… #Ukraine

According to witnesses shots sounded like assault rifle (AK)

There are about 20 hostages in this bus, also attacker claims there is another bus with hostages in the city

Lutsk attacker has a Twitter account and published video on Youtube urging people "do not trust the system"…

Has manifest on his Twitter, believes today is "anti-system day", says his death wont stop the "truth from 24".
Name on Twitter Maxim Plohoy(if literally Maxim Bad), description on twitter "Author of the book Philosophy of Criminal."

Anarchist-like manifesto

More shots fired at scene in Lutsk (video with sound)… #Ukraine

Police deployed armored vehicle on the scene in Lutsk… #Ukraine

Snipers were deployed on the roofs (there are already videos and images)

Lutsk attacker demanding hostages to call their relatives and contact as many journalists as possible to share his demands… via @den_kazansky #Ukraine

Minister of Interior Affairs Avakov and advisor to President Zelensky Kyrylo Tymoshenko are on the site of hostage situation in Lutsk… #Ukraine…

Twitter and Youtube blocked accounts of Lutsk attacker… via @UKRINFORM #Ukraine

Video showing moment when attacker boarded the bus

Light explosion near hijacked bus in Lutsk (like firecracker)… #Ukraine

Lutsk: Policeman hand over some packages to the hijacked bus, earlier attacker refused to allow water and food to hostages… #Ukraine

Bus hijacker in Lutsk made a warning shot when policeman attempted to contact him second time(after hand over of water)… #Ukraine

Policeman is the first deputy head of National Police of Ukraine Evheny Koval

Lutsk bus hijacker in a phone call with NTA TV journalists said that there is one injured in the bus… #Ukraine

Lutsk: 3 hostages were released… via @AvakovArsen #Ukraine

Deputy head of office of President Tymoshenko: Zelensky had a phone call with attacker and agreed on release of 3 hostages… #Ukraine

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