William Yang Profile picture
Freelance correspondent covering the Greater China region. Words in @DWNews, @Guardian, @voanews and @Telegraph. tips and assignments to wy30611@gmail.com

Jul 21, 2020, 10 tweets

Latest from #HongKong - On the day of the one-year anniversary of the #Yuenlong721 attack, citizens gathered around the shopping mall in the neighborhood and riot police set up cordoned lines to conduct stop and searches.

Police pepper sprayed crowds at the scene multiple times while continuing to stop and search citizens, politicians and journalists. Some citizens showed up at the scene with signs demanding justice for the attack and criticized the police.

Police kept pushing back the journalists at the scene while some were caught pointing their pepper spray guns at the press. Some journalists were stopped and searched.

Pro-democracy legislator @tedhuichifung was taken inside the cordoned line and he suddenly collapsed. He was later accused of obstructing police carrying out their duties and handcuffed and taken away by the police.

Some journalists were also searched at the scene and one journalist from an online media outlet was given a ticket of 2000 HKD fine for breaking the public gathering restrictions.

More images of @tedhuichifung being taken away by police for refusing to comply with the stop and search.

Police remain inside the lobby of the mall while journalists overheard in different parts of #Yuenlong that the police was threatening to arrest citizens by breaking the public gathering rules.

Police continued to carry out stop and search against journalists at the scene, asking them to show their press IDs while rounding them up for the searches.

Police began to chase after citizens at the scene.

Police asked all citizens ar the scene to disperse immediately.

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