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Writes thoughts/Tweets feelings. Dem Strategist for causes, campaigns & candidates. Prev. Dep Press Sec. Clinton '16, DCCC IE Dir., DCCC Dep ED/CommDir. W&M'03

Jul 22, 2020, 8 tweets

NEW @NavigatorSurvey tracking survey data

3/4 of Americans think the country is "off on the wrong track"


On March 23, it was -23.
Today, it is -56…


@NavigatorSurvey (2/8) More from @NavigatorSurvey tracking

66% think the "WORST IS YET TO COME" from this Coronavirus - up 22pts from June 8.

Only 17% think the worst is over and 17% don't know.

@NavigatorSurvey (3/8) @NavigatorSurvey tracking shows...

** 66% - Concerned social distancing will END TOO SOON

** 24% - Concerned social distancing will go on TOO LONG

@NavigatorSurvey (4/8) @NavigatorSurvey tracking shows...


- By 66 points (81-15%) people are PRO-MASK

- By 56 points (70-14%) people believe Trump is ANTI-MASK.

@NavigatorSurvey (5/8) From @NavigatorSurvey

People who do NOT wear masks are seen as:


@NavigatorSurvey (6/8) From @NavigatorSurvey

People trust FAUCI over TRUMP by 38-points on reopening

- FAUCI: 61%
- Trump: 23%

@NavigatorSurvey (7/9) From @NavigatorSurvey

Opposition to re-opening schools continues.

- SUPPORT: 38% (26% with independents)
- OPPOSE: 53% (57% with independents)

- JUNE 1: Support reopening by 27 points (58-31%)
- NOW: Oppose reopening by 14 points (40-54%

@NavigatorSurvey (8/9) From @NavigatorSurvey

Disapproval of Trump's handling of school reopening continues to grow

- APPROVE: 31% (20% with independents)

- DISAPPROVE: 61% (61% with independents)

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