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Obamacare's Digital Menace, Samizdat, Sen. Angus King’s hit list (Twitterfiles 16)

Jul 23, 2020, 6 tweets

Portland Mayor: "I can tell you with 100% honesty I saw nothing that provoked this (Federal) response."

Also Portland Mayor:

Some random dude, who just happens to be walking around the streets of Portland with a bag of cans and smashed bottles, accidentally drops the contents coincidentally at the feet of the Mayor.

Also Portland Mayor:

That's a green laser pointer aiming to blind him that's shown on his right side as a water bottle is flying toward his head from his left side..

Also Portland Mayor:

A "peaceful protestor" gets in his path, removes her mask, and accosts him while he and his security team are fleeing for safety.

Also Portland Mayor:

After he's entered the building and is behind security and glass, he turns around exasperated at the onslaught of "peaceful protestors" he just walked through.

Also Portland Mayor:

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