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Jul 23, 2020, 5 tweets

ON THIS DAY in 1403 King Henry IV's Royal Lancastrian Forces faced off those of the Northumbrian rebel Lord Henry 'Hotspur' Percy at the Battle of Shrewsbury. 1/5 ...

Hotspur was defeated and killed, securing King Henry IV's position.

But the battle was a notable first battle for a young captain, the 16-year-old Prince Henry, later Henry V, who fiercely held the Left Wing in his first command.


In the course of the battle Henry was shot in the face by an arrow that entered below his eye, embedded six inches deep, missed both brain and spinal cord and stuck in the bone at the back of the skull. 3/5 ...

To remove the arrowhead, special tongs ere designed, made and carefully inserted into the wound to grip and extract the metal, all this in the days before anaesthetics.

4/5 ....

And to think, if he hadn't have survived, we'd never have had #Harfleur, #Agincourt and Kenneth Branagh ... 5/5.

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