Consul Populis, Mentor for Substance Addicts and/or Homeless. Politics, Motorcycles, Linux, Movies.
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Feb 10 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Trump at the Superbowl was soundly booed and hissed. Heard clearly international coverage and commented on in multiple countries.
US TV networks overlayed canned 'cheers' instead.
Update and Expansion :
Many broadcasters around the world used Fox Sports video but their own audio (esp. if in a foreign language, or just by network choice)
Australia, Germany, to name but 2.
After seeing comments from NFL fans in those countries the audio overlay is clear.
Dec 29, 2024 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Movie Thread: 🧵
Just rewatched 'A Room With A View' (1985) because my partner insisted. She's a romantic.
In my naive youth when I last saw it, I tagged it as a harmless, albeit competent little love story ...
In my maturity I see what it is, now. An indictment of out-of-date social class and manners. And a gentle comedy. With some kissing.
It's a beautiful film, even nearly 40 years on. Every line of dialogue, every glance, is perfect.
Three Oscars, Five BAFTAs.
Aug 22, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
THIS DAY in 1945, as Paris was liberated from the Nazis, with street fighting still ongoing between Germans and Resistance, Alex Allegrier-Carton of the famous Lucas-Carton restaurant went down to his basement with a team of workers ...
Through the war, because his place was a favourite of the German officers (they'd read about it in guidebooks) he encouraged the Paris Resistance to meet in an upstairs room - the last place the Gestapo would ever think to check, and they never did ...
Aug 14, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Got a police update on a rogue landlord I tackled last year:
Changed locks on his tenants. No reason. No notice. (Trying to force them out as he had higher paying tenants lined up).
Panicking tenants called me. I called Police. They demanded he show up to unlock.
So did they.
He did so, but with smell of alcohol on breath and no insurance on his car: BUSTED.
Further examination of documents revealed multiple false identities : BUSTED.
False IDs being used for Tax Evasion purposes: BUSTED.
All because because he got a bit greedy.
Jun 13, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Short Thread on #Election24:
At some point in this campaign, an increasingly desperate Tory Party might drop the Zinoviev Bomb.
Let me give you some context.
The 1924 General Election:
Just 4 days before voting, the Daily Mail ran a story about a letter - the now infamous 'Zinoviev' Letter - from the Soviet Communist Party to the British Labour Party, suggesting (among other things) ... a UK and Empire-wide Bolshevik Revolution.
May 20, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Just came across this lovely little history story:
Back in 1962, EMI were working on various computerised systems for various purposes. Due to funding issues, the entire department was to be closed down.
EMI were losing cash and in real trouble.
Then their music division discovered a band in Liverpool that looked quite promising ...
Dec 18, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
THIS DAY in 1916, the Battle of Verdun ended.
It was France's Somme, lasting from February the whole of the year until December.
303 days made it the longest and costliest battle in human history;
French lost 377,000, Germans almost as many.
General Pétain organised day-and-night transport by lorry and taxi, bringing a constant stream of troops into the town.
His narrow victory made him a national hero.
His reputation would be destroyed when in WWII, he collaborated with the Nazis in the Vichy Puppet Government.
Sep 13, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
The Small Boat Crisis - How do we solve it?
Answer: We don’t. Bear with me.
Because we’re looking at the problem from the wrong end.
The small boats are not a crisis, only in that they add to the real problems:
- The rapidly growing shortage of hotels for asylum seekers;
- The interminably long delay for those people to have their applications processed.
Feb 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
By the way, in #London, The #ULEZ Expansion being implemented by Mayor Khan ...
... is by stipulation of the Tory Government in 2020.
Precisely, by Transport Minister (at the time) Grant Shapps, to Sadiq Kjhan, 14/05/2022, Section 12, Part (h) .. as a part of the Central Government TFL Pricing Agreement.
Oct 27, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
So a Care ‘Charity’ set up by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt had 1 employee, who not only had never worked in the arena, but was a former employee of Jeremy Hunt who resigned in disgrace, and who’s now re-employed by Jeremy Hunt, and received 2/3 of the charity’s income as salary.
In addition the ''charity' pledged to use donated funds to research and report on Patient Care.
Research completed : Unknown.
Reports published : Zero.
May 29, 2022 • 10 tweets • 8 min read
For a few weeks I have been evaluating @bikemap and @komoot as cycle mapping applications.
One or t’other, not both, would get my hard earned monthly fee.
Well, a decision has been made.
Actually, enforced upon me by an unethical business practice.
Having used both of the free versions, I had decided to go with @bikemap, until today when having not used the app for a couple of weeks I discovered something absolutely atrocious.
May 24, 2022 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
THIS DAY in 1933, a refugee arrived at #Dover with a patchy work history and no ties to this country, fleeing oppression from the #Nazi regime who had burned his books and turned his home into a #Nazi Youth Centre.
The UK Authorities misplaced his papers.
His landing card - his only documentation at the time - was lost and only rediscovered in 2011.
The Daily Mail urged readers to boycott his lectures raising money for other refugees from the #Nazi regime.
May 24, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Just finished Series 1 of ‘Ten Percent’, the UK remake of the fabulous ‘Dix Pour Cent’.
It’s good. Not great, but very good. It suffers only from a cast which is above average but not superlative, and the natural comparison with the original.
Which was always going to happen.
If you’ve seen the Stephen Fry comedy ‘Absolute Power’ about the PR firm Prentice McCabe, it has that kind of sophisticated dry ‘aren’t we so clever?’ observational humour.
Even the music and scene-setting b-roll shots are very similar.
Jan 11, 2022 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
I've discovered a solution to the #NHS#Covid Staffing Crisis.
It's simple.
Variable treatment according to status.
The Unvaccinated who chose to disbelieve medical science should be cared for in a marquee in the hospital car park by Gavin, a plumber, Steve the trainee, and a random collection of people selected from Facebook and YouTube.
You know ... people they trust.
Jan 9, 2022 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
In case you missed it, a #Brexit Party candidate, Stephen Peddie, was found guilty this week of threatening to shoot #Labour MP Dawn Butler in the Head.
Peddie owns a licensed firearm. @jdpoc Peddie claimed it was justified in response to spending carried out by the MP on her property, reported by Idiot Toby Young @toadmeister … which turned out to be a complete myth.
Young’s post incited the death threat.
Dec 27, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
The four most famous (in America) “doctors” who are responsible for pushing Covid AntiVax conspiracy theories:
Dr Shaun Brooks, ‘PhD, Oxford’. His doctorate and PhD are in education, not medicine, and from an online company. @jdpoc He has never worked in any medical environment. When he says Oxford, he means Oxford, Ohio, not Oxford University.
Dec 24, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Bonehill was a Tory, then a Ukip member, then no party would have him.
He was jailed for multiple offences.
Many, including Far Right Watch, helped to put him there by ID'ing his social media posts and proving his authorship.
Bonehill was a fantasist, and on the autistic scale somewhat, but he was dangerous nonetheless. He's now out of prison.
Dec 24, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
10th of February in 2022 sees the 50th anniversary of an icon: the birth of Ziggy Stardust, first live performance of the character by David Bowie in 1972 … @jdpoc The performance was at the Toby Jub pub, in #Tolworth, just south of #Surbiton, literally about 200 yards away from where I live. The site has recently been bulldozed ready for redevelopment
Nov 29, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
THIS DAY in 1983, the nuclear early-warning radar of the Soviet Union reported the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from USA, with 4 more missiles behind it.
Lt Col Stanislav Petrov, officer in command of the Soviet Air Defence Forces, decided against strict orders to wait for corroborating evidence — of which none arrived — rather than immediately relaying the warning up the chain-of-command as was procedure.
Nov 27, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Best football banner ever.
But it needs explanation: Corinth is the #Tolworth’s Corinthian Casuals, founded 1939 by merger of the Corinthians (1882) and the Casuals (1883), two of Britain’s oldest football clubs.
Lefi is #Surbiton legend ‘Lefi the Goat Boy’. @jdpoc … Seething is a community in #Surbiton famed for its madcap festivals and charity sports events.
‘Torcida’ is South American slang for a group of football supporters: the Casuals have been hugely popular in South America for over a century.
Nov 6, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Today I learned this :
In 1962, John Glenn lifted off in Friendship 7 to become the first American to orbit the planet.
Here's a brilliant (and short) true story about something that happened a few days before.
Due to multiple computer problems with the (then) new IBM systems, Glenn demanded all the orbit calculations be recalculated by hand, by one person - a brilliant black female mathemetician called Katherine Johnson.