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"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Jul 24, 2020, 7 tweets

On March 15, this same expert said masks “make no difference at all”.

This was wrong at the time & is wrong now.

The govt were wanting to let #coronavirus spread as part of their the covert, unscientific & deadly #HerdImmunity strategy.

Here's the full clip.

Caprice - quoting an WHO expert in the @FT- argues the UK should impose a lockdown, screen arrivals at airports & wear masks.

She was ridiculed, not just by Ms Jarvis but by the tabloids & even @MrNishKumar on #MashReport. #COVID19

Due to govt inaction in Jan, Feb, March, there were shortages of surgical masks (& other PPE) at the time of this interview. Some speculate that is the reason that face masks weren't encouraged.

Supplies could have been sourced before now (late July).

We should be wearing face masks.

We should have started wearing them 5 months ago.

Introducing mandatory masks in the UK now - 10 days after the govt announced they are vital - is not because "the science has changed."

It will fuel the culture war & discredit "the scientists".

Isn’t it time that Britain started listening to the experts?

@mrmarkdolan is not an epidemiologist, virologist or public health expert.

Nor is the GP who says “masks make no difference”.

New #COVID19 cases, are over 1,500 cases/day. #CapriceWasRight

“Nheerrr-Why do you disagree with Matt Hancock about face masks?” @Peston

@jeremyphoward: “Because I'm a scientist who just led the world's first cross disciplinary international review of the evidence for this.”
#COVID19 #coronavirus

“Who booked the bloody expert? Can we stop booking bloody experts!

They just come on & make me look like I don’t know what I’m talking about

I’M the one whose meant to make THEM look stupid

Can’t you just book Caprice or Stanley Johnson or a politician.

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